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Changing my ending

"You cant go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending"
C.S. Lewis

If only I knew in highschool (insert college, before marriage, before kids, when I was 20) what I know now..

But I didn't.
And am guessing you didn't either.
And unless there's some kind of time travel thing I don't know about, it is virtually impossible to go back in time (unless you are Michael J. Fox)

I am trying my darndest to live in the moment.
It's the new post cancer me.

Be present.
No more woulda coulda shoulda's.
Enjoy the time you are in.
And of course-
 buy the shoes and eat the chocolate.

It's not that I regret who I was.
I was who I am- just with some clouded judgement and a bit more insecurities.

But after all,  I grew up in an era where we thought parachute pants and leg warmers was a good look so the insecurities kind of come with the territory.

I'm trying real hard not to look back (because lord knows my road as of late hasn't been a fun one)

I want to feel happier about me
I want to be less judgmental about me
I want to be more accepting of me

so working on a bucket list....

write a book

go to bora bora and stay in one of those cool hut thingies on the water

buy a house on the ocean

be a contestant on wheel of fortune

go to the superbowl


learn to take really good pictures

cruise to the Greek Islands

be a consistent size 6

meet George Clooney

go on an African Safari with my family

ride a gondola in Italy

learn how to use chopsticks

be part of a mob flash

get into a decent exercise routine

indoor skydive

renew my marriage vows

downward dog without wanting to pass out

what are some of yours?
