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What I've learned during Covid

Inspired by a friend who posted on fb asking what have you learned since quarantine.
What have I learned...
How much I’ve missed Honey Bunches of Oh’s (which is now a meal for me at least once a week. And not for breakfast )
I hate the smell of all hand sanitizers- except green purell (which brings me back to my NICU days with - ironically- bittersweet memories)
My dog is the best thing to come out of 2020.
5 months is equal to a decade.
It is confirmed. I hate making dinner.
Insomnia has won.
“Maskne” is real.
Six feet apart is further than anyone thinks.
20 seconds is also longer than anyone realized.
We’ve learned about tigers, Jimmy Fallon’s adorable kids, how to Zoom, how to exercise from home using make shift weights (are gyms doomed?), bake banana bread, use hair clippers, and that almost the entire world can now work from home.
Trey Kennedy is a freakin riot and gets it spot on every time.
Kanye thinks he is presidential.
Andrew Cuomo has a new following.
We have had to be warned to actually not ingest bleach.
I love not drying my hair.
Or wearing makeup.
Or actual “real” clothes.
Or giving a fuck.
I’ve learned I’m really good at doing nothing.
Walking is good for the soul.
I miss hugging my friends.
My dog is world’s best snuggler.
The money spent on my Sleep Comfort pillow is worth every penny.
I do my best thinking at 1AM.
Toilet paper is apparently more precious than we all realized.
Hold on to your Clorox Wipes.
I itch my eyes and touch my face more than I knew.
Chocolate is the key to survival.
I now drink cocktails when I go out to dinner because they have fun names attached to them.
I’m not sure when I will feel okay eating inside at a restaurant, but have adapted quite well to eating on patios and in parking lots.
My kids like “being”’in school more than they knew.
Or let on.
We have learned the true meaning of essential workers and heroes (and that it may mean groups that you didn’t expect- like supermarket employees).
Teachers are so very underpaid.
Many of us were not meant to homeschool.
Many of us were not meant to repeat math class- EVER.
Many of us may have begged our teachers, teacher friends, and anyone who knows about math, to help with math.
But what I learned the most-
Is what I said when this whole pandemic insanity started back in March
(March. Like March 2020. The same year we are in now. 5 months ago- March. How has it only been 5 months since March? That March)
So yea, the best thing I’ve learned is that:
People who were always kind are even kinder.
People who were assholes are even assholier.
