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 I had an eyebrow waxing apt and needed to make a return at TJ Maxs so decided to leave a bit early. 

I was too early (which is nothing new for me. If I'm 5 minutes early, I feel late) but the return line was long so I had time. 

The line continued to grow. 

Because only register 2 was open and the woman at register 2 was too busy on the phone to do any checkouts. There were other employees but apparently conversing in the aisles took precedence to helping out register 2 woman with the growing line.

As I looked around, little girl was touching everything on the shelves. I get it little girl. It's tempting but we are in land of covid but whatever, I didn't judge (although apparently I did).  Her mask was not covering her nose but I let it go because she was like, 8. But then I looked around and at least 4 grown adults were not wearing their mask over their nose. 

We are on month 6 here people. MONTH 6 OF MASK WEARING. 

The masks go OVER your mouth AND your nose. 

I started to get agitated because time was ticking and I don't like to be late as we already determined. 

Finally a employee opens up register 7. But first, she must talk with said employee before calling me over. 

And finally, it's my turn. 

And you know what? 

My return was from Home Goods not TJ Maxx. 

Yup. It's that kind of day. 

After the eyebrows I head to Home Goods.

For the return, obviously. 

Once again the line is 15 people deep but at least several registers are open.

But the trip is not without entertainment. In front of me is a man, masked appropriately I will add, face timing his family. 

On speaker.

The entire 13 minute wait.

Have we lost all manners during this pandemic?

It may have been a bit more enjoyable if I could have gotten a juicy story out of it but he was talking in another language so I don't even get to blog about it.


Day two of virtual school.

My kid comes down during the 10 minute breaks between classes.  

The kids in school are actually walking the hallways, my kid comes down to munch on frozen chocolate chips at 933AM.

Speaking of. Shameless plug for my new biz.

Follow me on facebook and instagram at BATTERUP BLONDIES.

And then order, if you want. 

But who doesn't want blondies?

Batterup village! 

And mask up, while youre at it.
