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Well hello one year ago covid-ersary.
We have come a long way from Advil being drained from the shelves, hoarding toilet paper and making our own Lysol wipes- not to mention homemade hand sanitizer and turning bandanas into masks.
My memory of life before lock down was sitting at youngest’s high school performance of “Addam’s family”. We sat next to people in the auditorium - side by side- yet we know we were in for a lockdown- presumably a few weeks (??!!)
Youngest gave an amazing performance as LURCH and the cast was so phenomenal- it still saddens me that they weren’t able to perform for anyone, other than their immediate families.
We cancelled our scheduled April vacation cruise (although at that point in time we were still unsure was it the right thing to do? Maybe we would still be able to go after things calmed down ) and then the cleaning, purging, bingeing, puzzling and banana-ing began. My spices were organized and I was enjoying life with a new puppy. (Read: wanting to give puppy back because we were amidst a pandemic and I wasn’t sleeping and my anxiety was at an all time high and was certain I may never see my Mom again) (And I was right)
365 days later and I’m no longer having to resort to using crappy toilet paper, Purell is back in existence and it now is the norm to don a mask before exiting the house.
The dog lets me sleep now and I apologize to her almost daily for wanting to return her. I blame the pandemic because I can- and because it’s the total truth.
We haven’t been ourselves for such a long time we forget what being our self even means anymore.
Or maybe we are a new self.
Or new version of our old self.
Or maybe we now don’t care if our cabinets are organized and maybe we never want to look at another puzzle again.
We rebooked that cruise for December 2021- which at the time, seemed like a no brainer- because life would clearly be back to “normal” by then.
Yet here we are; 9 months away, and the only thing I am certain about is that we are stepping towards a brighter day.
Stay masked.
Stay kind.
And don’t judge.
Especially dont judge my desire to still want to cruise.
Because there are people who like to cruise and those who never will.
I don’t blame the cruise lines for the pandemic - nor should you.
Blame the damned bat.
