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Highschool hopes

 With all the graduation talk I cannot help but to think ahead. 

Because I’m neurotic like that. 

One more year and oldest graduates highschool. 

I am sick to my stomach, overly proud, excited for his future, and wishing he was 3 again all in one giant bubble of emotions. 

And then I do it all over again the following year with youngest. 

But this is life, right? It’s what we do as parents. We love and nurture and teach and allow mistakes (and we make mistakes) and then we give them wings and watch them fly. (Metaphorically of course)

Flying, as a reminder, looks different for each of us.

 Some may go to a four year college, or a community college, or no college at all.

 Some may travel or live at home.

 It doesn’t really matter, the point is whatever they choose to do- we are still sick to our stomachs (and excited and anxious) because we are parents and this is in the handbook. 

To feel these bubble of emotions from birth 

until the end of time. 

While I have oldest in my house for another 12 months these are my hopes:

1) I hope he realizes that when he walks out the door he is the same amazing person that he is inside our home. 

2)I hope that he remembers that he is going to make mistakes. He will fail. He will get super frustrated sometimes and that’s all kind of how life works. The learning part is to get up the next day and take a step forward. 

3) Remember to rinse off your plates before they go in the dishwasher. And that your Mom will not be in college with you to rinse off your plates. 

4) Always look at the person talking to you. And really see them. And hear them. 

5) Listen. 

6) Ask questions. And listen  some more.

7) Try new things . (But not drugs. And don’t vape, ever. You have really crappy lungs. And just don’t.)

You’re going to meet people who you like. And people you don’t. And not all are going to like you (which is quite insane because you’re seriously the sweetest kid of all time) (but you know, kinda bias mom speaking) , however- this is another thing about life.  

Highschool you’re with this group but in the real world there are loads and loads of groups. 

Find your peeps. 

The ones who you like and like you back. 

And it may just be a few peeps, and that’s more than okay. 

9) Text  you mom sometimes. And then call her sometimes. Because she will miss your voice and need to know you’re happy and safe 

and breathing.

10) Be true to yourself. You are exactly who you are meant to be in this world. Just be you. 

(The you who calls your mom).
