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 Someday you will understand why I look at you for a extra few seconds while you’re just sitting there watching a show or staring out the window. 

Or why I tell you to drive carefully every time you get into the car (I know you are eye rolling me 

every -single -time 

but that doesn’t stop me from saying it).

Someday you’ll get that I ask you questions; not to pry, but to get to know more about your life.

When I tell you I’m so proud of you, I mean it each and every time. 

They are so much more than just words.

I promise one  day you will actually miss my hugs instead of resist them. 

You will get why you’re never too old for me to want to snuggle with you (god I miss those days!) 

and how I can never get sick of staring at old pictures of you and laugh (and cry) while watching past videos. 

One day you will look back at this time and realize everything I do- 

every decision I make- 

every ounce of my being- 

is all for you-

all about you. 

To my rising junior and senior in highschool-

I blinked

And, somehow; here we are.

I’m so proud of the young men you have become and someday-

you will understand 

that you are still, 

and always will be, 

My babies.
