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Screw normal

Ive been feeling a bit out of body lately. 

Not sure why.

You know what I mean by that? Not like a high on drugs out of body.

Like how you feel your days just pass you by but you’re not really present out of body.

Maybe it’s end of summer blues.

Or just me being melancholy.

But have been down on myself this week and I hate the funk. 

I have been reading a book our college coach recommended  to read;  “Taking flight. College for students with disabilities, diverse learners and their families” by Perry LaRoque PHd. 

An amazing read even if you don’t have a kid going off with disabilities. Some wise advice. 

For example ; he writes, “Screw normal”.


First of all- who determines normal? The cool kids? The cool kids are probably 10% of the population. 

(Nothing against your cool kids).

(I’m sure they are amazing)

But so are the non cool kids.

The kids with dyslexia and who wear thick glasses.

The kids who talk differently.

Wear bowties to school.

Wear their hair in a dark shade of purple.


I’m not sure there is a normal and if there is;  I’m not really sure I want a part of it.

Because as I’ve said before;  diversity is what makes the world go around. 

If the purple hair kid is not your person than that's totally fine.Not everyone can be your kind of person.

But maybe the purple hair person loves the same art class that you take and favorite food is pizza with pineapple and holy shit- so is yours! But you don’t know because you think the purple hair kid isn’t “normal”.

You see my point.

So my melancholy mood isn’t because oldest is a senior 

(shockingly I’m feeling semi at peace about this stage )

 (for now)

 (And it’s not because he has purple hair)

(Because he doesn't)

But this week I'm just feeling "blah".

Maybe because all I’ve done for two months is eat out way too much)

 (and god- why  is ice cream just so deliciously irresistible in summer?)and it may be possible that nothing with buttons will be on my body ever again. 

So some days I'm down. 

And other times I’m not.

So I guess that’s how we all roll.

Good days.

Bad days.

Not present days.

Eat too much ice cream days.

I guess what I’m rambling to say is I need to cut myself a break.

And so do you.

And cut the purple hair thick glasses kid one too.

And screw normal
