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No discrimination

There is so much I say each year about Pinktober.
Mostly I say pink ribbons don't save lives, early detection saves lives.
That being said, I'm all about awareness because, clearly, no one would know that early detection saves lives, if not for awareness.
I was 41 when I was first diagnosed.
My second mammogram EVER found early stage breast cancer.
Stage 0 actually; also known as DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ).
Yes, Stage 0 sounds like a good outcome in terms of cancer stages- and it is. Yet my DCIS was extensive and found later to be aggressive.
I chose a unilateral mastectomy and continued with 5 years of Tamoxifen (an estrogen modulator.) This came with all fun side effects like ovarian cysts, overnight menopause, hot flashes, just to name a few.
It was no walk in the park but comparing to what I now know, it kinda was. (Relatively speaking of course.)
Due to being high risk, I had the luxury of going for yearly breast MRI's along with my yearly mammogram. My breasts are dense ("Breast density reflects the amount of fibrous and glandular tissue in a woman’s breasts compared with the amount of fatty tissue in the breasts"), so the need for the extra scans was imperative.
Fast forward 8 years, I found a lump.
It was minuscule, yet it kind of hurt.
Thankfully it rubbed up against my bra, causing discomfort.
Honestly, I'm not sure it would have been found otherwise.
My minuscule lump (on the side where I already had a mastectomy) turned into invasive ductal carcinoma (along with leftover DCIS).
Double the whammy.
I wont go into all the details as many of you already know the road I was on (chemo, radiation, more surgeries, surgeries again, year long infusion therapy) and I do not mean to put the fear of god into you but yes, you can get a reoccurrence of breast cancer AFTER a mastectomy. Or lumpectomy.
Cancer doesn't discriminate.
If you eat well and exercise and stay off carbs and vacuum your house weekly you can still get cancer. (Not to knock eating well and exercising and vacuuming. Obviously all good things)
You can still get cancer if you've already had cancer, if you're 25 or if you're 85. You can also get breast cancer if you are male.
Cancer is everywhere.
And sadly we all know too many people who have been effected by this horrific disease.
There is nothing I can tell you that will prevent this from happening to you however, I can tell you that early detection does save lives.
Please do not put off getting a mammogram.
Please do self exams.
Know your body.
Go with your gut if you think something is wrong.
See your physician.
And reach out for support if you find yourself on the other side.
It's invaluable.
