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The fun never ends

The boys had been looking forward to going to see a "Diego" movie Saturday AM. Youngest was on the mend so we packed into the car with Baby Jaguar in hand (because who can see a Diego movie unaccompanied by sidekick Baby Jaguar?) We enter the movie and Dear Husband goes to purchase the tickets. "I'm sorry. It's actually not Diego today. There was a problem with the movie. It's Dora instead". I look at Youngest  knowing what comes next. Too late..the tears are already formed. Here it comes.." NO! I WANT DIEGO NOT DORA". Tears, more tears...wait? I can still have popcorn? Okay. I'll see Dora. Oldest, could have cared less because he will only last 20 minutes tops before he gets edgy to leave. We managed to sit through two Dora "movies" (aka,videos) and head back home. I step in the door to hear someone talking into my answering machine. "So Abby, as soon as you get this bring youngest back to the ER...."
It's my pediatrician's office. Apparently the ER had already tried to reach me and I needed to URGENTLY bring him back to an ER for a repeat blood draw. Honestly, I don't even remember them doing an original blood draw but that's neither here nor there. "I'm sure it's nothing" She continues to say "BUT..his blood culture grew an organism that could be consistent with Meningitis" Hold on while I pick myself up from the floor. Did you say my three year old son could possibly have Meningitis and then say I'm sure its nothing all in the same sentence? If he is acting fine I'm sure it was just a screw up with the blood draw but you do need to go to the ER IMMEDIATELY.
I bribe youngest with his third happy meal of the week because he was just about to have lunch and take a nap. As a matter of fact, so was I because after spending 3 straight days with a sick child; one of those being in a hospital, you know I was bound to get sick. So..we venture back to the hospital.
To wait.
And wait.
Did I mention that I was told to IMMEDIATELY bring my child back here? Yes, I know. I'm sure it wont be much longer.
Two, not much longer at all.
We were seen. I raised hell because frankly, I'm good at it. They apologize but he does need to be seen and looked at. Well, he is wheezing but he looks fine. Yes, I could've told you that hours ago. Blood was redrawn. No infection. A shot of antibiotics was given as a precaution and we will call you by the end of the night to let you know if the blood culture grew anything. Most likely it was just a contaminate that got into the blood (in lament terms, the skin wasn't clean enough before blood was taken) No call of course was made to me that night but I had assumed if my son was walking around with Meningitis, someone would've informed me. I called the ER this morning and to no surprise, the culture was negative in the first 24 hrs. They still need to make sure it doesn't grow anything for another 2 days but we can assume he is fine.
Nothing like putting the fear of G-d into you though on a Saturday Morning.
It's just another day in the life of this Mom.
On that note, I'm off to watch Desperate Housewives after enjoying a dinner out with my Husband and treating myself to an ice cream for Dessert (because after all, I have vowed to lose 5 lbs by Thanksgiving but after this week, I deserved the ice cream don't you think??)
