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Class of 2024

Trying to explain College to my 3 1/2 year old was surely a waste of time. I didn't expect him to grasp the concept but I was trying to tell him why our neighbor was having a graduation party.
"Mommy, I never want to go to college"
"OH YES YOU WILL" I tell him--ever so firmly.
"What will I do there?" "I don't want to live away from you Mommy. (aww, for a moment it tugged at my heart until.....)
"Mommy, you come to college with me. And oldest. And Daddy, okay Mommy?"

I assure my young son that when he is 18 he will not want his Mommy to go to college with him however, I appreciate the fact that he does now. I know this moment wont last another 15 years!
