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How I spent my weekend

It's been an official heatwave in Boston this wkend. Three consecutive days of 90+ degree weather.
I spent it with my arm in a splint. Do you know how sweaty your arm can get while lying on a beach in a sling?

Day one Heatwave was spent at Nantasket Beach.
Dear Husband asked if I wanted an umbrella packed. No need, I said. I'll bask in the rays from the comfort of my beach chair. How hot could it be at the beach?

Apparently it's been a long time since I've been at the beach because it can get pretty damned hot.
And did I mention the sling?

The boys played on their boogie boards in the water while I people watched.
Let's discuss

Dear Idiotic Man who thinks it's cool to wear socks and hiking boots on the beach. You look like a moron. So did your tight jean smoking girlfriend in her too small bikini.

Hippie man behind me calling his friend from his cell saying to friend "here is some peace for you. Listen to the waves. Sending you good vibes brother"

Biker group of 10 (bandanna's on head, Harley tattoos and all) roaming the beach asking for a stranger to be in a pyramid with them for a scavenger hunt. No takers so they were off to the carousel to find an old woman with a chicken for 300 points.

Could I make this stuff up?

Day Two heatwave spent at Canobie Lake Park.
In sling
A woman who is not a ride lover to begin with didn't think it would be so bad walking ride to ride with the boys until I realized I had to schlep the backpack with me because I need to carry hats, lotion, epi pen and wipes.

Boys ages 5 and 7 dont seem to notice the 90+ degree weather and run from ride to ride begging dear husband to sit beside them. It's a good thing he's a ride kind of guy or I'd have to pimp them out to other parents for trips to the amusement parks.

4 1/2 hours later I manage to drag them out of there and am pretty sure I was three lbs lighter from dripping sweat under the sling.
Sure I can take the darned thing off.
And I do. Plenty.
But walking around all day with your arm dragging behind you because I still have no motion or enough strength to even put my hair in a ponytail just means you occasionally still need the sling.

Day Three Heatwave is spent with the boys at camp in the AM and me blogging from my air conditioned house.
Life is much more enjoyable on day three.

I wonder if they found a lady with a chicken
