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My Year Anniversary

Summer is a significant season in my life.

July, 1999 I went on my first date with Dear Husband.

Memorial Day wkend thru August 7th, 2003 I was hospitalized while pregnant with my twin boys.

July 29th, 2005 I gave birth to youngest

June 8th, 2009 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

July 28,2009 I had a mastectomy.

So the fact that I'm rehabbing from shoulder surgery doesn't make summertime my favorite season, that's for sure. It makes me think that last year, at this exact time, I was waiting to cut of my boob.

That's pretty much how I looked at it.
Cut it out.
Get the cancer out of me totally and completely and hopefully, let's not look back.

And other than a few surgeries afterwards, some itchy scars and needing physical therapy and surgery for the same sided shoulder- I haven't.
Looked back.
Until now.
Because it's a year.
A whole year and I feel like I can officially call myself a survivor.
A whole year and it means I need to go back for my yearly mammogram.
Which, to be honest, scares the crap out of me.
Because last time I was so blazee about going for a mammogram I was blindsided.
This time; I'm prepared.
Prepare for the worst and you'll walk out a happy woman when you hear the best.

Until then...

happy anniversary to me.
One year
Cancer Free Baby!
