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I lost my glow

I ran into a new mom today.
She was glowing.
She talked about how she loves to wake up in the middle of the night with the baby because she has been waiting for this her whole life.

Ahh yes. The new mom feeling.
I remember that new found love. When you would just stare at your child in awe that he was actually yours.

I lost that glow.

I didnt want to burst her bubble because after all...
I still stare at mine.
In awe.
But only because I'm in shock of what just came out of his mouth.
Or the fact that he is tantruming in the middle of Target.
Or because he just hit his brother.
Or is taking two hours to eat a meal.
Or is whining.

We all need to be reminded of that glowing time in our lives.
The time where parenthood was magical and happy...
all the time happy.
The time when we didn't yell so much
The time when spit up on the third outfit of the day was our biggest problem.

I love my boys unconditionally
And of course, more than anything else in this entire world.
Yet I don't remind myself often enough of one of my favorite quotes,

The days are long but the years are short.

Let it go.
Does it really matter in the long run?

Enjoy being a Mom.
And glow..
