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Showing posts from September, 2010

Monday Moans

Mary, on DC Housewives has her closet locked so that her daughter cant get in and borrow her clothes. Only her fingerprint can open the door. I think she's on to something. I'm going to have dear husband's fingerprint open my pantry closet so that I dont sit and eat all day. Genius, no? Or I could learn some will power. First grade has a lot of homework. Youngest thinks he is the BMOC in Kindergarten. Opened his own restaurant in the classroom. Named it "SMOKY BONES". Serves burgers and smoothies. Such an entrepreneur. Disappointed in the season opening of GREY'S yet I will still watch dutifully every Thursday. Besides that one, there are very few shows I'm glued to these days. Although clearly watching DC Housewives. They're all fruit loops. Yet the closet idea... brilliant


I did my first Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5k on Saturday. Walked 3 miles. Chatted with my girlfriends Raised money for a worthy cause Felt great afterwards Changed sheets on 3 beds today and felt like I ran a marathon Something's not right.

I never thought I'd..

REAL SIMPLE Magazine does a writing contest each year. This year's theme is I NEVER THOUGHT I'D... which naturally got me blogging on the subject. I never thought I'd be a Mom. Okay, that's not true. I always KNEW I would be a Mom but just wasn't sure how I would get here. I always wanted to be a Mom and my fears came true shortly after our honeymoon when I learned it didnt take a quick romp to get pregnant. Not for me anyways. For a long while, I never thought I'd be a Mom. I never thought I'd want to go back to work. I waited so long to leave work that I cant believe I even want to go back. I never really had a "Career" that I loved. I had jobs in the medical field and that was definitely a good fit for me but I still itched to get out. Do I really want to go back? Two kids in school I'm not sure my mind will be fulfilled after a few walks and trips to Target. It all sounds heavenly and I feel blessed I dont HAVE to work but a great part of

My Time Has Come

After 7 years the big day has finally arrived. TWO CHILDREN IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Freedom consisting of longer than 2.5 hours Time to shower, walk, shop, run to the cleaners AND fit in a quiet lunch. LIFE IS GOOD! I paid my dues. Two kids; two years apart- my early days were busy. Add to that a child with multiple therapies and carting the newborn around I'm surprised I managed to not turn gray sooner (Oh wait. I did turn gray sooner. Thanks to a great hair dresser you may have not noticed) That said, I sent my two off to school this morning with a small amount of tears (me; not them) and then smiled as I drove off. Youngest has "shortened" hours for 2 weeks to get him adjusted to Kindergarten (which in my book is ridiculous. Two weeks? Really?) But after that, I will have six+ glorious hours to myself. It will be heavenly. For a while. But then at 245 I will then cram in any type of homework,soccer, speech thearpy, feeding therapy and occupational therapy. God help me if

72 more hours

3 more days until school starts. I can do this... In the past 12+ weeks of summer we have played over 20 + board games, watched 100 shows (not TV shows but shows performed by my two actor children), been to the beach, the zoo, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, and the mall. Ate lunch out over 3 dozen times, consumed too many fried products to count, watched 50 episodes of Sponge Bob and Scooby Doo and have had at least 5 arguments/day. Why, you ask, am I counting down the hours until school starts? Because this Mother of the year can only take so many games of Uno and break up only a certain amount of fights before my patience runs thin. Okay, so patience ran thin June 29th but that's besides the point . I'm pretty confident we are one of the few towns left that HAVEN'T started school yet which means I'm one of the few Mother's left who is still ingesting Ativan. I've gained 3 lbs which I also like to blame on Summer time (did I mention the countless of lunches out?