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72 more hours

3 more days until school starts.
I can do this...

In the past 12+ weeks of summer we have played over 20 + board games, watched 100 shows (not TV shows but shows performed by my two actor children), been to the beach, the zoo, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, and the mall. Ate lunch out over 3 dozen times, consumed too many fried products to count, watched 50 episodes of Sponge Bob and Scooby Doo and have had at least 5 arguments/day.

Why, you ask, am I counting down the hours until school starts?
Because this Mother of the year can only take so many games of Uno and break up only a certain amount of fights before my patience runs thin.

Okay, so patience ran thin June 29th but that's besides the point.

I'm pretty confident we are one of the few towns left that HAVEN'T started school yet which means I'm one of the few Mother's left who is still ingesting Ativan.

I've gained 3 lbs which I also like to blame on Summer time (did I mention the countless of lunches out? )

72 more hours until I drop my boys off at Elementary School.
TWO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL FULL TIME (well,except for Wednesdays but still...FULL TIME)

I'm sure my blog in six months will go something like this:

I've gained 5 lbs because I'm so bored and my days are long.
The first six months of freedom were heavenly but one can only enjoy a trip to Nordstroms for so long. Must I really start volunteering again?

Do not let me volunteer people!
I did the PTO at the preschool for four years. I am taking the year off.


72 more hours.....
gotta go and break up the argument over who gets to deal the next Uno game!
