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I never thought I'd..

REAL SIMPLE Magazine does a writing contest each year. This year's theme is


which naturally got me blogging on the subject.

I never thought I'd
be a Mom.

Okay, that's not true. I always KNEW I would be a Mom but just wasn't sure how I would get here. I always wanted to be a Mom and my fears came true shortly after our honeymoon when I learned it didnt take a quick romp to get pregnant. Not for me anyways. For a long while, I never thought I'd be a Mom.

I never thought I'd want to go back to work. I waited so long to leave work that I cant believe I even want to go back. I never really had a "Career" that I loved. I had jobs in the medical field and that was definitely a good fit for me but I still itched to get out. Do I really want to go back? Two kids in school I'm not sure my mind will be fulfilled after a few walks and trips to Target. It all sounds heavenly and I feel blessed I dont HAVE to work but a great part of me wants to. The problem is finding a part time job that matches my schedule. My Mommy Schedule.

I never thought I'd be so public about personal matters. Sadly I've had so much crap in my life that I find it so therapeutic to share it all. I love to write and am an open book if someone wants to discuss their infertility issues, their trached or premature child, their battle with breast cancer, their struggle to cut out Hershey's chocolate bars out of their life. I figure, why not share? Maybe it will help someone out. If not, grab another chocolate!

I never thought I'd be best friends with my Mom. Oh those teenage years! How she drove me crazy. I felt I was the only girl who didn't have freedom and privacy and the right to date who I wanted to date. I never thought I'd be in a place where not only have I inherited so many of her qualities, I'm proud to have inherited many of her qualities. I cant wait to torture my kids when they're teens! Let's hope they love me as much in their adult years.

I never thought I'd..
be allergic to my own cat
drink diet coke occasionally for breakfast
read my old diaries and laugh instead of cry
read People Magazine weekly

Thanks Real Simple for a great idea for my blog today. I'm not entering the contest but it was a fun ride anyways.
