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I'm THAT mother

Took youngest to a birthday party this past weekend and he reminded me of his rules.

"Mommy. If youre going to stay at the party stay in the waiting room. Do not come into the party. You embarass me when you wave at me"

Even when I assurred my 5 year old son that I wouldnt wave unless he did first he made me promise.

Until he saw that the birthday party room (laser tag) was very dark and then said I could come in.

Until two minutes later when he was having so much fun and demanded I leave.

Then the parents wanted to get into the Laser Tag and I came in ready to tag him

The other parents are doing it, I cried back at him.
Oh okay but dont talk to me.

I cannot believe that at 5 my waving is mortifying my child but so be it.
I have oldest who never wants me to leave a party and always wants me to volunteer on a field trip.
Youngest- I cannot be in the same room as him and his Kindergarten posse.

Then it became field trip day.
He made it quite clear I could not volunteer (but did allow me to volunteer for the end of the year field trip)
It's snowing out and youngest has only been on a school bus once.
I didnt think I'd panic..
but I did.
I became that mother.
The mother who panics at the thought of someone other than her driving her child.
In fairness to me..its snowing.
Roads are icy
He's my baby

But yes, I called the school to see if they were actually going and admitted to the school secretary that I admit I'm that mother. The mother who worries just a bit too much.

I've admitted to always being a worrier.
But since I've had kids, way worse.
I consider myself a farily laid back mom (I dont care if my kids rip their jeans while playing in the mud. I dont freak out if theyre covered in dirt and food or if they have a sniffle or a cough. I really dont. But, I have become the worrier mom. The one who fears things like kidnappings and molestation and bullying. I've become a crazy woman)

Please tell me you're with me on this.
You are also that kind of mother, right?

Just commit me now. I'm not sure I'll survive the High School years
