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25 fascinating facts

Its time for my famous 25 things you dont know about me.
I think I may have done 50 in the past but seriously...50 things? Id even be bored.

So, here we go
1) Im addicted to Bejewelled Blitz on Facebook
2) Im addicted to scrabble on Facebook
3)Im addicted to Facebook
4)I've lost 7 lbs but am convinced I will never, ever not have to work at my weight. 7 more to go and its a SLOW process
5)I love my girlfriends.
6)I hate exercising. I wish I was one of those people that got addicted to it but I just cant
7)I love to write and wish I could have a column
8)I get motion sick yet am going on a Disney cruise with my kids
9)I hate roller coasters yet have two young children who LOVE them
10) I married a guy who's the opposite of me in many ways, yet; we work
11) I am not one of those people who wish they could go back to high school
12)I miss my Dad every day
13)Ive gotten pretty used to my new boob
14)I would wear flip flops 365 days/year if I could
15) I find vacuuming therapeutic
16) I despise ironing
17)Seriously? Im only on 17? Good thing I didnt shoot for 50
18)I must have a glass of water my bed each night
19) I must have the security alarm on every single night
20) I havent slept through the night since 2001
21)I dont understand the store FOREVER 21. Am I too old to shop there?
22)I tried to get into Glee. I like it. But dont love it
23) I love Bethenny Frankel
24)I find Bethenny homely
25)Her husband is not!!
