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My mixed marriage

I like to say I come from a mixed marriage

Were both the same race
Were both the same religion

yet that's about all

Im more extroverted, communicative and liberal
He, a bit quieter, communicates when necessary, conservative.

Im expressive
He is not

Im a Bostonian through and through
Although he would not move back to New York if you paid him, he remains a die hard Yankee Fan.

So as baseball season approaches us (two weeks to go. Always a good sign because it means Spring is nearing. After this Winter we had I am counting down the days till the first pitch is thrown)..
I once again try to reason with him that we should not make our boys Yankee fans.

Truth be told, our kids arent extremely athletic.
They are still young and although they love to watch Penn State Football with Dear Husband, it's really only so they can get a glimpse of the Nittany Lion.
Sure they watch a few innings of baseball but only so oldest can remind us of the score every 3 minutes.

I admit I'm not a die hard Sox fan but will always and continuously root for them.
Especially if they play the Yankees.
But Dear Husband is teaching our young sons to root for the NY team.
I remind him we live in Massachusetts.
I remind him that the Sox/Yankee rivalry is strong.
Stronger than strong.
I remind him our children may be teased and ridiculed for rooting for the Evil Empire.

He doesnt care.
He says he wants our kids to grow up be winners.
Like the Yankees; he says

So as I face another Spring
another baseball season
another year of my mixed marriage

I accept that Dear Husband and I are different.
We have a mixed marriage

But it works
