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Going NUTS

In elementary school I ate peanut butter and fluff sandwiches almost daily.
There was no such thing as a peanut allergy.
If there was, no one had one.

For that matter I'm pretty sure there wasn't one autistic child that I knew of and certainly having twins in class was a rarity.

But that's besides the point.

I've become keenly aware of food allergies since both my children suffer from life threatening ones.
I've never had a food allergy in my life.
Either has dear husband.

Yet here we are, parents of two with such severe allergies I shudder to think of what could happen to them.

I first found out about youngest peanut allergy when I encouraged him to eat PB and J on Matzah during Passover when he was close to 3.
After his nap his lip was swollen.
Being the naive mother I was at the time thought nothing of the fact that it was the peanuts.
Until his eye swelled shut.
Then I got it.

We had him tested and sure enough he was allergic.
Not only allergic...deathly allergic.
I'm lucky all we dealt with was a swollen eye.

Oldest had a reaction to scrambled eggs.
Came home after feeding therapy at the age of 5 and became violently ill.
Was falling asleep on the couch.
Again, moronic mother hadn't a clue.
Oldest has so many feeding issues and has vomited profusely all his life I just thought he didnt react well to it.
Looking back I think he was going through anaphylaxic shock.

Got him checked.
Again, life threatening.
His numbers have decreased some with the egg allergy but is still pretty allergic. Along with peanuts and tree nuts like his brother.

So my life consists of carrying epi pens.
Dropping off epi pens at play dates
Confirming to said play dates mother or father that my children have allergies
Confirming at birthday party that the cake is safe for him to eat.
If not safe to eat, bring safe cupcake to eat so as not to feel excluded
Talk to people behind the ice cream counter and ask them to use a clean scooper when scooping ice cream
checking with waiters to make sure food is safe to eat
checking at Disney world buffets to see if food is safe to eat
carrying benadryl with me, just in case
carrying second epi pen when traveling on vacation
carrying third epi pen when traveling on vacation just in case two children have reaction and just in case one epi pen doesnt do the trick

As we know, Im anal
But nut allergies..
food allergies
are just adding to my anal-ity (ok, I made up that word)

nuts are making me nuts
