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You're gonna make it after all

When oldest was a baby, I used to sing the theme song to Mary Tyler Moore to him.

I would rock him and look into his eyes and belt out the last line.
Tone deaf and all. I believed it with all my heart

Youre gonna make it after all
(cue the hat being thrown in the air by Mary)

Oldest is now 7 1/2.
He has a small scar showing his battle wounds from infancy.
Life for him has always been an uphill struggle.
From little things like asthma and food allergies (After your kid is on a ventilator for two yrs. Life threatening food allergies become "little". Its all in the way you interpret things!)
to bigger struggles like speaking and eating.

I left my son's IEP meeting this morning (education plan through the school) and left smiling.

My son is doing well. He is following along in first grade and although he has some goals to work on, he has really come such a long way.

And I realized that what kept me up at night when he was one seems so minute now.
Was I really worried he would never clap or walk or speak?
Was I really worried he would NEVER pee in a toilet?

They seemed mountain like milestones at the time.
I know in a few years what Im facing with him now will also be a thing of the past and new milestone challenges will occur.

But how far he has come.
From his trached days.

I knew Mary was on to something.

Youre gonna make it after all
