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I love games!

So a new sister turned me on to a new blog which turned me on to a challenge.
A challenge that doesn't require me running a distance or trekking through mud- I'm in.

Away we go...

 1. Share anything you want about your cancer diagnosis (or your loved one’s). Share your age, cancer type, stage, when you were diagnosed, family history (if any), your reaction, how you learned the news, or whatever you’re comfortable sharing. 
Round one was age 41. "JUST DCIS". I always felt the need to defend myself amongst fellow cancer pals. Because mine was "only" DCIS and I "only" needed a single mastectomy I felt like a fraud. Like I wasn't worthy of the cancer label. Which is just plain stupid because who the hell wants the label?
Fast forward 7 years and woo hoo- I'm worthy. Not only am I worthy but I'm a fluke because I got invasive cancer on the side I had a mastectomy on. I'm talked about during tumor boards and amongst surgeons and this time I got the full shebang: 2 surgeries, chemo, radiation and upcoming DIEP Flap. 
2. What is the most outrageous thing someone has said to you about your (or your loved one’s) cancer?
Ugh. This is tough because I know EVERYONE means well. Everyone is coming from a good place but it's gotta  be comments about the hair. I think only fellow chemo-ites can relate to this but IT IS NOT ONLY HAIR.  It is NOT ABOUT THE HAIR! It is so much more than "just hair".  The hair is our identity. Our way of hiding that we have cancer. Our way of feeling a remote glimpse of normalcy. Our way of looking in the mirror and not seeing cancer for a nano second. 
3. What is your biggest cancer pet peeve? I know it’s hard to choose, as there are many to pick from, right? But what irks you the most?
The email chains  saying you are on a bus stopped by a cop half naked. And this promotes breast cancer how??
4. What is something you want others to know specifically about breast cancer?
Follow my blog. It's my daily thoughts and griefs and joys about breast cancer. I want you to know that it's never over. Just because your treatment is done you don't wash your hands and put on a cute new outfit and carry on as usual. You're not fine now. It is a part of you. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. 
5. If applicable, do you worry about recurrence rarely, from time to time or a lot? What is your biggest worry today, right now, this minute?
I didn't....until it happened. And now I do. And will. Which is AWE-SOME because, you know, I wasn't a crazy insomniac worrier pre- cancer
6. Do you feel cancer has made you a better person? Yes, I know this a loaded question. If you do, specifically in what way?
I like to think I had my eyes wide open before cancer.  Now they're just like a deer in headlights. 
7. What is your favorite cancer book? 
Not a cancer book but I've recently read "Option B' and loved it. 
8. Besides your family, where do you turn for emotional support?
Blogging is my therapy.  My husband is a rock so he gets props but Ativan is a close second.
9. How many cancer blogs do you read and why do you read them?
Too many and not enough. Sometimes ignorance is bliss but I've also learned and been completely motivated by many. 
10. Do you call yourself an advocate? If so, what drives you?
YES!  It has become my heart.  I am an open book (hence blogging) and will talk to anyone and everyone about it. It's the sisterhood of course no one wants to join but once in; you're in it to win it. 

And now it’s YOUR turn to share your truths! Feel free to participate by including some of your answers in the comments section below.
