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Bigger Fish

Before I had cancer when I did the laundry and saw that every single one of youngests socks was inside out I would groan and leave them that way. When it became time to put them on they would be inside out and he would have to spend the entire 10 seconds putting them on the correct way. Lesson learned?

Apparently not because when I went to do laundry this morning (which , by the way, as a family of only 4, I seem to do quite a bit of) the socks were still inside out.
But since I'm not sweating the small stuff anymore I lovingly laundered them. Biting my tongue as I saw the underwear are still in his pants because, after all, why take off each item of clothing at a time?
Nope. Not sweating because there are more important things than correct socks.

Before I had cancer I would tell youngest that his room needed to be cleaned. I hated that his shirts were put away in the drawer like rolled up pieces of trash.  Come youngest, come and look at your mother's neatly folded drawers. See how at the end of each season I move the slots around and refold everything? Yes my dear son. Of course I realize I'm a bit of a nut and not everyone wants to have neatly organized drawers but must you inherit my stubborn strong will instead of inheriting my love for organization?

So see, after cancer when I go into his room I close my eyes and step over the library book, backpack that he used last weekend to go to a pool party (thankfully the wet towel was no longer in it) and I do what I need to do in the room (which lately is very little) and I walk out.  I count my blessings for zyrtec that are preventing my hives from forming and think how on earth did this child come from my DNA obsessive genes?

But nope. I don't sweat the small stuff now.
Because there are bigger fish.
Like Cancer.

Now you may be thinking teach your kid a lesson. Or shouldn't your tween be doing his own laundry? Or why aren't they putting their stuff away? Relax village peeps. They do put away their own laundry but I do it because I'm not working and frankly have time during the day to do it. And honestly I may complain but laundry is probably the one household chore I don't mind doing. And they do plenty around the house  (forgive me for pausing while I try to think about ALL that they do around the house.....) but yea, you know, I'm not sweating anymore.

Bigger fish.
