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Lessons from a day at the beach

Spent a few hours today at the beach.

Feet in sand.
Collecting my heart shaped rocks.
Basking in the sound of the waves
and the conversations surrounding me.

To my left was a couple; middle age (shit- I AM MIDDLE AGED)
not talking to each other.
All good.
Just enjoying their silent time was my guess.

To their left was a large group of 30 something's with their young children ranging in age from 5 months- 4 years (you know, if I had to take a guess).
Oh I miss those days.
The snuggles with the 4 month old who only wants to sleep on his mom's shoulder.

But this mother would not leave the 4 month old be.
Every time he started to snooze she took a towel to his face to wipe off the sand.
Cry. Cry. Sleep.

Until she had to rearrange his sun hat.
Cry. Cry. Sleep.

Nope. More sand on the face.
New Mom- have you not heard of never wake a sleeping baby?

4 year old twins cute as can be.
Playing in the sand together.
Giggling up a storm.
Until brother twin wailed sister twin in the arm.
Sister cried.
Brother got reprimanded.
Giggling resumed.
Until they both tantrumed.
Mother of twins you totally rocked it.
Not only do you still have a fantastic figure but you did not lose your shit for a minute.
Kudos to you. You are my idol.

I never hold it together.

Next to the 25 were a group of 69 year olds.
For sure I knew they were 69 because they talked about it.
How they were going to have a "forever 69" birthday party next month.
They were talking about their expectant children and what the baby was going to be named.
The cost of rent, where they will retire to and yes, even a "back in the day" story.

I smiled to myself thinking of all the groups that were surrounding us.
All the different stages of life they are in.
How I've already experienced some and will be experiencing others before I know it.
(Because I'm going to adopt the forever 69 party and make it forever 50 so I will never age)

How I miss my snuggly days (because now I have two teens who are not huggers)
How I miss watching them dig in the sand (because DH was always a rockstar doing the digging while I laid on my ass)
How I miss their innocence.

At the time, I didn't think I had my act together. I was exhausted all the time with toilet training and therapies for oldest and tantrums for youngest.
Trying to figure out what to do with them on weekends and afternoons and counting down the hours until it was bedtime so I could sit down on the couch and breathe.

And now I have that breathing time.

Yet I think I was much more of a together parent then than I am now.

Offically two teenagers live in my house.

I'm just trying to figure it all out each day.
Trying to navigate their social and academic situations.
Trying to know when to talk and when to keep my mouth shut.
Walking on eggshells trying to figure out what mood the eyerollers are in today.

But I realize, my kids; doing the same.
Just trying to navigate through the years of adolescence.

All the same.

We are all just trying to figure it out as we go along.

There is no rule book for this thing we call life.

You're doing just great.

