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Thursday Tidbits

Man talking loudly on cell phone.
Annoying all surrounding him (assumption) (Because I was annoyed)
 Sign directly in front of him, of course; reading : "please refrain from cell phone use"

Beautifully dressed, well manicured woman in long black sleek maxi dress.
Took off shoes and tucked feet under her on waiting room couch.
Feet were definitely NOT as clean as the rest of her was.

Man on cell phone making call number 2.
 Am I seriously the only one annoyed by this?
Surely you can excuse yourself into the hallway.

Back to school supplies being advertised.
It's July 12th.
Please just let me at least enjoy July.

My back yard looks like an Alfred Hitchcock movie.
We have been attacked by black crows.
Who sing. Or talk.
A  lot.

Dog and I have a new summer game.
Chase the chipmunk under the basketball hoop stand.
And then sit there until it comes out.
Fun for days.
(Wish she would chase the crows)

I can almost make a ponytail with my hair.
