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New parent vs seasoned parent

When I was a new parent...

Online pictures are up on the camp website.
I know this because I have been checking every hour. Or maybe every 5 minutes.
I flip by them quickly looking for my kid.
No kid.
I then go back and observe each one.
I am certain I found his left knee.
I know this because I honed it on it via my phone and saw that it was his shoe.

I then saw their friends.
Why isn't he in the photo with the friends?

Entire age group photo.

Searching for his shirt/hair color/colored bathing suit.
I am certain I found him.
Yes that is definitely my kid kicking a ball.
Looking as big as an ant.
What is with that look on his face?
Is that an unhappy look or I'm so freaking hot look?

Day 2.
Finally the photos are up! I've been waiting all night.
Who could sleep?

A picture.

He looks sunburnt already.
I hope he is being reminded to apply suntan lotion.

Day 3.
Group picture.
Smiling kid.
With friends.
OMG they look so happy.
Show spouse.
Show grandparents.
Happy kid.


Day 4.
Repeat day 1.

Why haven't I received a letter?

5 summers into this thing...

Looks at pictures.
Knows not to check anytime before 10PM.
May even sleep through the night and check in the AM.

Searches quickly through the 392 pictures.
Skips the all girl pictures because your kid is a boy.
Skips the younger/older kid pictures.
Hones in on the age group kid is in because you recognize bunk mates.
392 pictures.
One of your kid eating a popsicle behind 4 other kids.
Kid not looking at the camera.

Day 2
Searches 225 pictures.
Sees one of kid.
With a kid you don't know.
Wonder who that kid is?
Texts a friend asking if they know who the kid is.
Moves on.

Day 3
Group picture.
Smiling kid.

Day 4-6.
No pictures.

Day 7
34 shots of groups of kids walking to Shabbat services
15 of the same kid
Again the kid with the red and black t-shirt? Is no one telling the kid to change his top?
Oh there's the kid that looks like your neighbor.
Yup. See the alum friends kid. Looking adorable. Remember to text alum friend to tell them how cute their kid is.
See your kid.
Smiling. Yay. "Favorite" the photo.
Move along.

I wonder if I will get a letter by visiting day?
