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Happy Thanksgiving

There was a time
2009 to be exact
when it was the week before thanksgiving and my hot water tank blew.
We had gone 5 days without bathing (don't judge)
and the part to fix it was set to arrive the Monday before Thanksgiving.

Let's just say it didn't.
And resulted in a lot of back and forth calls to idiot company with a very aggravated woman (that would be me) because I was to host Turkey Day and refused to be smelly.
The part arrived the day before Thanksgiving and thank goodness I have a handy husband who installed it himself and lo and behold- hot water!

There was another time
2010 to be exact
where I went to set the oven to "self clean"  and forgot to take out the oven liner (you know those sheets you buy so that when things spill, it spills onto the liner. You know, to make clean up easier)
So yup- this didn't make clean up easier.
Because it disintegrated as my oven was self cleaning.
Causing a nasty stench in my house for hours and black pieces of charred oven liner all over my oven.
I wanted to cry.
I may have cried.
And my over reactive Jewish mother was convinced we would all get some kind of food poisoning.
She had me going so batty that I actually called said maker of oven to see what to do about the char (because the oven liner actually took off part of the inside of my oven)
He assured me I would not die.
So I made the turkey and lived to tell about it.

There was a time
2019 to be exact
that I decided Thanksgiving and I are doomed
because last night our water alarm goes off in the basement and
you guessed it
the water heater was leaking
all over the basement.

I guess I should be thankful for water alarms (see how I threw in being thankful even though im all bah humbug over Thanksgiving right now)

So after draining the water heater (and by draining I mean DH draining )
and 8 hours of installing a new water heater (and by installing I mean the plumber)
and $$$$ later
I guess I shouldn't complain all too much

Because really my only  inconvenience was my lack of shower this morning.

And considering I haven't left the house
and the dog loves me smelly or not
and the cranberry chutney is being chutnied
and the table is being set

all is okay in the world.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends
