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December 14, 2012

Dear Charlotte, Daniel, Rachel, Olivia, Josephine, Ana, Dylan, Dawn, Madeline, Catherine, Chase, Jesse, James, Grace, Anne Marie, Emilie, Jack, Noah, Caroline, Jessica, Avielle, Lauren, Mary, Victoria, Benjamin, and Allison,
I picked up my children from elementary school on December 14, 2012.
Parents were gathering around waiting for the bell to ring.
There were tears in our eyes and fear in our hearts.
We had all heard the news.
Your town could’ve been our town.
Your kids could’ve been our kids.
We hugged.
The bell rang.
Our elementary aged children came pouring out of the building.
Noise and laughter shortly filled the outside yard.
Backpacks and artwork were being thrown into parents arms but all we wanted to do was scoop up our kids and envelope them into giant hugs.
To nuzzle into their necks and to smell their hair.
To feel their skin and wipe the juice box stains off of their mouths.
Life was just another ordinary day to our kids.
But it was not another ordinary day for us.
We were reminded, once again, that life is precious.
We were reminded, once again, that life is unfair and can be cruel and there is often no rhyme or reason why tragedies happen.
Dear children, (and teachers) you are forever in our hearts.
We have not forgotten you and we will always remember you.
Hang your kids artwork.
Cherish their stories.
Smile at their juice stained mouths.

