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Snow day 2020 style

 It’s a snow day.

Not really.

I mean, it’s snowing alright but my kids are in remote school.

This has been a debate for 2020.

Should schools have an actual snow day or a remote day so they can continue with school? 

I have high schoolers so I vote for remote. 

Not that they don’t deserve a morning to sleep in and have hot chocolate but they’re past the making snowmen and wanting to sled phase so a snow day to my highschoolers is just like a weekend day in 2020.


And doing nothing. 

My town opted for a remote day. 

I’m on board because ... anything that says “an earlier summer “ is ok in my book.

So it’s 925AM and we already have 10

inches of snow. 

Oldest knocked on my door to tell me he has a 2 hour break right now. 

Let me tell you that school only goes until 1230 anyway.

C block he has a free and B block his Chem teacher emailed and said he wouldn’t be online so he has a free. 


Remote learning sucks.

Where are you chem teacher? 

I’ll give the guy a break. 

Maybe he has no power.

But otherwise, the teacher should be online teaching my kid.

Because remote school is sucky enough as it is and I’m pretty sure my kid already isn’t getting a typical junior year under his belt. 

So Oldest  is now playing with the dog while staring at his phone.

I wonder what would’ve happened if we had covid in 1980?

For real- would our kids have been homeschooled for an entire year? 

Would teachers be running around to homes to drop off worksheets and to correct assignments? 

I hate 2020.

And sure we have a vaccine,

but from what the experts are telling us- we will still be wearing masks well into the end of 2021.

Will our kids still be remote learning and having 2 hours of free time during their 5 hour school day? 

Will DH still be in our playroom converted office ? 

Will I ever get to pee without the dog coming into the bathroom with me? 

Yes it’s 930am and we have 10 inches of snow and it’s expected to come down for another 5-6 hours. 

And my local news station is showing town after town of snow and road conditions. 


Snow looks the same here as it does there. 

I do not need 4 hours of seeing road conditions- especially because everyone is freakin home.

So stop and put Savannah Guthrie back on because I’ve resorted to Kelly and Ryan and I can’t stand them. 

And I’m grumpy as all hell.

Because 2020 sucks. 

And my kid has 2 hours of “free”! 

