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 Hey y’all

I’m moving.

Not really.


In years to come.

But if/when I do it’s to Charleston.

I want to be able to say y’all on a daily basis and be called m’am by 16 year olds serving me gelato. 

I’d have to get used to eating collard greens however which - yuck. Everyone talks about the food but my pallet is not too southern and oysters also  ain’t my thing. 

The colors, architecture, and history are reason alone to visit (and the biscuits).

 Oh and did I forget to mention my hotel serves daily cocktail hour and nightly milk and cookies?!

For those waiting with baited breath, I managed the flight without too much anxiety and the rain has been tolerable.

(Who wants to be in a bathing suit on the beach anyway after biscuits?!)

This trip is to celebrate our 20th anniversary -9 months later- (thanks covid) so the time away has been a treat. 

Because, you know, we haven’t spent enough time together the last 18 months! 😉

Love you honey!
