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Goodbye 2021

 Memory on my blog came up today from the end of 2020 saying “bring on 2022. Yea- that’s not a typo”.

Somehow, my psychic ability superpowers kicked in and I knew that 2021 was not going to be the year that we suddenly stopped zooming and cursing mask wearing. 

My husband is still working daily out of our “playroom”,  my high schoolers our still wearing masks to school and my dog; that we got during covid, still has no idea what it’s like to have an empty house for longer than two hours.

Things I’ve loved about this whole thing? 

1) Let’s hear it for virtual doctor visits. Nothing better than clicking into my physician from the comfort of my couch, not having to navigate a parking garage and no paper johnnies. Bonus all around. 
2) Although I’m over the masks I don’t mind them when running into Target and am not in the mood to A) put on make up B) see anyone /make small talk C) smile

That’s it. 
There is no more. 
I’m over lack of food supply (cream cheese? We are now at a shortage of cream cheese? It’s so bad that Philadelphia Cream Cheese will actually pay you to NOT bake a cheesecake over the holidays. I kid you not. This is truth)

I can’t find my vitamin water , sports teams and Broadway shows are being shut down again, vacations are being cancelled, colleges are talking about going virtual and for the love of god people are back to puzzles and banana breads.

I need to get back to my zen thinking because it’s getting depressing as hell.

Ok village- help me out.
What have you loved about 2021 and are looking forward to in 2022? 
