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Do it for my mom

 Todays rant.

It’s been almost 24 months since my mother died.
Altho she was almost 91, her death certificate lists cause of death as:covid 19.

On April 13, 2020 -the day she died, there were approximately 24,000 deaths. 
As of today;,we are at 836k (this is just in the US).

Im done with it all.
I imagine; like you, are tired of hearing the word covid.

Our kids have been wearing masks to school for close to two years.

Anti vaxxers are saying “told you so” to the vaxxers , who are getting breakthrough cases of covid.

We are a country divided.

Hospitals aren't much better  off today than they were in 2020.

Elective surgeries are being postponed again.

Mammmograms and colonoscopies are being put off.

Nurses and doctors are beyond exhausted.

Supermarket shelves are empty again.

Teachers are scared to go to school.
Parents are wanting their kids in school.
Parents are wanting their kids at home.
Parents are feeling for the teachers.
Parents are yelling at the teachers.

It’s groundhogs day again folks and 2022 isn’t starting off with any bright lights with the loss of Betty White and Bob Saget.

I’m a news junkie and I have to turn it off.
I’m.officially. done. 

We cannot shut down our country and our schools and our healthcare and our lives over and over again. 

We are scared.
I get it.
But we are in this together.

Stop the he said she said bullshit and how about remembering to love thy neighbor.

I hope to god one day your father, mother, teacher, friend or god forbid child- doesn’t have a death certificate that reads cause of death : covid 19.

Because now we can do something about it.
Now we can get a vaccine.

I couldn’t back then.

I can now.

And I did.

For YOUR Mom.

How about doing it in memory of mine and let’s get on with our lives?
