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Happy tears

 My cancerversary was last month.

It was a big one.
5 years.
5 years since being rediagnosed.
So technically I guess I have two cancerversaries but I only go with this one because, seriously, who wants one let alone two? 

So yup
Dec 24th,2016- breast cancer surgeon extraordinaire called me to confirm what I already knew. 
Cancer was back.
In the breast that wasn’t there.

Today, I drove into Boston on one of the coldest days known to man kind (a slight exaggeration but not that far off because they even closed the schools in the city today), for my annual oncology check up.

I hand sanitizer, changed out my masked (per hospital protocol), waited for the dreaded weigh in, and then begged to get off cancer meds 8 months early. 

And guess what ? He said yes! 
It actually wasn’t much of a beg because apparently 8 months early after being on them for 4 years 4 months isn’t that big a deal in cancer world. 

And guess what else? 
No more yearly breast MRI needed.

And guess what else?
I’m officially discharged from oncology.
I may have shed a tear.
Or 100.

This is big.
Especially because I’ve been discharged from oncology before at my 5 year mark (only to return 3 years later).
So although I smiled and said goodbye to my doctor- I made note to remember that the cancer center is on the 9th floor.

As the elevator fills and then people file out, I’m left with a man carrying a pink boppy pillow and a few bags. 
He looks tired, nervous, and excited as all hell. 

“New dad?” I ask.
“Yes”  He says. “A long time coming”. He continues to tell me that his daughter was born in September at 24 weeks and today was finally her discharge day. 
(Omg people! What are the odds that I’m leaving cancer behind and then I run into a new preemie parent all on the same day in the same hour?)

I’m a Mom of a 28 weeker, I tell him. He’s now 18. I wish you all the best. 

And then I run to my car and burst into tears.

Happy tears.

All the best to you and your parents little on and 
Adios cancer drugs!  

