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Beach day

 You know what’s great about the beach when you have older kids? 

The screaming and whining kids don’t belong to you.
But they once did. 
So parents of little ones please do not feel the need to apologize.
Or look mortified.

Because we have been there.
And yes, I know you may be envious because my kid is sitting with AirPods not even talking. Our they’re out boogie boarding. Or maybe they’re not even at the beach with me allowing some quiet time.

And yes, it’s true. 
It’s peaceful.

But your kid screaming and crying won’t last forever. 
And it’s a public beach so no need for you to look at the rest of us apologetically. 
Your kid isn’t bothering us. 
They’re kids.

And although you may want my life right now-
I’m looking at you snuggling with your sleeping baby on your lap
And I kinda miss your life.

So you’ll see new Mom that some day you will be in my beach chair
sneaking glances at a different beach chair
remembering that the days are oh so long

but my how they years are short .
