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 My summer Facebook memories show quite a few pictures from summers past.

Although I do love a good flashback, there are photos of me with a scarf on my head or with really short hair.

Both scenes make me cringe.

I want to delete them all.

It was an extremely difficult time in my life and I absolutely hated how I looked.

When you go through chemo, many worry about their lack of hair.

It’s not about vanity.

It’s about identity.

It’s about looking in a mirror and not having a shouting reminder that you’re going through cancer.

Because believe me, we don’t need any reminders.

I am 5 years out.

My hair is long again.

My eyelashes and brows are back.

I have more scars than I care to count.

Any kind of low neckline shows my scar from where my port was, and I have little dark pen marks that show where radiation beamed me up 35 times.

I’m happier and healthy.

I’m also acutely aware I’m lucky to have my scars and long hair.

So as much as I want to delete the old pictures,

And as much as I can’t stand looking at them…

I’m here.

5 years out from my second bout of breast cancer..


Scars are just tattoos with better stories!
