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How do I just live?

 I have a hard time knowing how to “just live.”

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Let’s wait and see.

Leave well enough alone. 


Not me.

I’m a bit impulsive and I often don’t count to 10 before reacting. 

I try so hard, every day, to live in the moment.

I suck at it.

My mind is constantly 5 steps ahead and my brain absolutely doesn’t know how to shut down at night.

If there’s a problem going on in my life I’m always thinking the what if’s or making up scenarios. 

Thank god I married the half glass full guy because he is forever stuck with his half glsss empty wife.

I really do try.

I want to let those sleeping dogs lie.

I know first hand that life throws you curveballs (kinda, like every few years if you live in my shoes) so I know I need to be all zen in the moment.

And sometimes I do rock it.

I just did a gorgeous walk on the beach and totally zoned out.

Until I walked back home and listened to construction going on outside my house and the dog has to go to the vet because she’s not acting herself and our AC units need fixing and thr ceiling fan is making an obnoxious sound every time it spins and  oldest starts college next month and I’m slightly anxious  about it (not sure anxious is the right word. I have some angst. Does that mean anxious?) 

So yea- killed my zen.

So throw me your ideas how you shut down your worried mind and how to live one step at a time.

My sleepless self thanks you.
