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Pot stirrers

 Oldest is off to college which means I joined the school parent Facebook page(s).

By pages, I mean the “official”‘one (assuming looked over by administration) and the “unofficial” one (run by parents of incoming freshman.)

Guess which one has me riled up today? 



Because people like to stir pots.

I refuse to give into the shit stirrer and I’ve been warned by friends,

who have been in this incoming freshman parent role before, that there’s a shit stirrer(s) at every school.


Because people like to complain.

Listen, I am queen of complaints, but it is usually reserved for my husband or bff; not a group of nervous parents who are wondering if their kid is going to fit in, excel, eat, find the dining hall and remember to do laundry.

Shit stirrer decides to post that she met a kid who is a student  at (unnamed college) and is not happy.  

Imagine an unhappy kid?


A kid who doesn’t like the food at college? 


One kid, out  of thousands , who she doesn’t even know, but decided to base her future views of unnamed school off of.

Come on people! 

We can do better than this. 

Let’s not get everyone worked up before our kid even steps foot on campus. 

I am the CEO of worriers but even I know to give things time and not to base an opinion off of one.

(Disclaimer that I base a great deal of restaurants, hotels and destinations from Trip Adviser but I read several before basing my opinion!)

So to Mrs. Shit Stirrer and all of you with incoming freshman, let’s use these pages to discuss real stuff like does he really need a mattress topper (the unanimous answer is yes )and are any of you feeling like you may vomit ? 


Just me? 

Okay then …

Wishing all of my village with college kids an easy transition!
