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5 foods I'm embarassed I like

James Oseland, Editor in Chief of "Saveur" Magazine and occasional guest judge on my beloved TOP CHEF show, wrote an article on five foods he is ashamed to admit he loves.

Got me thinking so, here are mine

1)Sunkist Orange Soda. It's so sweet it's almost disgusting but something about a bottle of orange soda brings me back to my childhood. Youngest also has a love of the stuff (although he's not as picky and doesn't know the difference between sunkist and crush. Trust me, I do!)

2)Fluff. Another food that brings me back to my elementary school days. Peanut Butter and Fluff sandwich (apparently people call these fluffernutters. My brother and I call them simply what they are. Peanut Butter and Fluff) My Mom would make these for me on sunbeam bread. Now I just like a spoonful right out of the jar.

3)McDonald's French Fries. Really, need I say more? I manage to sneak a few out of my sons happy meal without him looking. He isn't a great sharer. Frankly, I wasn't either as my Mom can vouch for. She retells the story of taking me to lunch at McD's when I was younger and her "stealing" one of my french fries. Apparently I cried and screamed so loud DSS was almost called so I'm not surprised where youngest gets it from.
Or maybe it was my over consumption of them during his pregnancy?

4)Fried Chicken. I admit I rarely indulge in my love for this but it was another food that I felt was okay to eat during my pregnancy. After all, I was eating for two right? (50 lbs later you may have thought I was eating for an entire football team but that's beside the point) Pregnancy gave me the license to eat. Fattening foods like Fried Chicken.

5)My last choice is actually a condiment but I love it that much I found it worthy to make the list.
I love ketchup. I put it on all the normal foods (burgers, hot dogs, fries) but also love to have it accompanying meat loaf, steak. and potato chips.

I could actually make this a top 10 list but I've found a common theme while organizing my thoughts and that is..
I eat way too much crap that's not good for me instead of browsing the farmers markets on Tuesday afternoons.

I wonder how eggplant accompanies fried chicken with ketchup?
