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August 7, 2003

I had been at Brigham and Women's hospital for 6 weeks.
Lying in bed; leaking amniotic fluid daily
Holding out for a miracle that my two boys would survive.

Dr High Risk asked me if I wanted to hold on if only one would survive.
My answer was simple.

And so I did.
And I tell this story so many times because I feel as if it was only yesterday that Zachary Jonathan Stern entered the world at 8:14PM; not uttering a sound. I knew his condition was serious and that he would not survive.
Jared Matthew; 2lbs; 9oz came out shrieking. He was a fighter from the start; extubating himself from the ventilator tubing three times before even entering the NICU.
I was told the stubborn ones survive.

And so, I celebrate my second born son's seventh birthday with many, many mixed emotions.

Each year, I cry a few tears for the loss of his twin.
I then get enveloped in a hug or lost in his toothless smile and thank god for the miracle that I have.

Despite all odds (seriously, all odds. It was suggested I terminate the pregnancy because they didn't think either child would survive)
My son turns seven this week.

Despite the odds, and a tiny scar around his trachea, you would never know that his first 19 months of his life was spent attached to more tubing and equipment than I care to remember.

Despite the odds, he just tested in the "average" range for seven year olds , is finally chewing a hot dog, and his oxygen levels are at 100 when we visit the pulmonologist.

My dear son, I never thought you would clap your hands together, walk or even pee in toilet! You have overcome so many obstacles and have gone through so much in your seven short years of life. You have done so with so much strength and courage. You are a loving, smart, observant boy who makes my heart ache every time I think about your early start in life. You proved everyone that with determination and a bit of a stubborn streak, you can overcome many odds.
I am so proud of you, each and every day, and I know you will only continue to amaze your Dad and I in the years to come.

Happy Birthday to my second born.

I miss you Zachary.
