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TFT-- Thoughts for Tuesday

Why is the first place I lose weight is in my boob(s) and the first place I gain is in my behind.

21 days until school starts. Not like I'm counting or anything

Traveling when your kids are older is so much more enjoyable

Youngest is starting to monitor my diet coke intake. I wish he would monitor my calorie intake

I need to make more time to read.
And to exercise.
And to breathe when my kids are driving me insane

I cant help but sing out loud when I hear songs from "Free to be you and Me"

Mother's had way less to worry about when I was growing up. Kids didnt wear helmets, there were no nut free tables or constant random kidnappings. I'm tempted to bubble up my boys till they're 20

I cant wait till my kids are old enough to kill their own spiders
