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National Prematurity Day

This coming Saturday is National Prematurity Day.
(I remember this because it also happens to be my niece's birthday. )
But really I remember it because of my preemies.

DH and I ran into our old NICU nurse today.
I say "our" because really, this is who our nurses were to us.
Sure they cared for our oldest,  but they were  nurses for OUR family.
Middle of the night phone calls, a warm reassuring smile when we were learning to change a diaper on a 2lb baby, a arm on my back when I held Zachary for my first, only, and last, time

So, yes, ran into our NICU nurse today.
She knew we were parents who "graduated" but considering we didnt run into her in the NICU, it took her a minute to place which parent we actually were.

And once she did, it was as if she remembered it all right along side with us.
She remembered his corner in NICU D, how she told me to bring in outfits for him (making me feel like a "normal" mother), and how he was "the sickest baby she had cared for who had survived".

And there it was.

DH and I know our kid is a miracle.
But here it was;  those along side of us in that chapter, know it too.
I wanted to cry but we were in the middle of a paint store and the only thing handy to wipe my eyes with would have been a drop cloth so I refrained.
Instead, I smiled and marveled at how far my kid has come.

Those times were by far some of the hardest we have gone through.
Yea, cancer sucked but it was MY suffering.
When your kid suffers, when your kid is sick- that is some WHOLE OTHER LEVEL of hard.

He was sick.
He was really sick.
Close to death sick.
15 years later and I assure you I can relive almost every moment of his 6 months in the hospital.

But the fact that his nurse remembered things too-
well, that's the testament.
That's how dedicated and supportive and truly amazing the NICU staff is.

National Prematurity Day is about my kids.
My three kids.

Youngest: Born at 35 weeks. 24 hours in the NICU was hardly a blip .
Oldest: Born at 28 weeks. 180 days in the NICU.


In memory of Zachary.
A mere 8 hours on earth
A lifetime in our hearts.

Please consider donating to the MARCH OF DIMES in honor and in memory of all the preemies out there.
