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Dear Diary

Dear Diary

When I'm half a century old and frustrated with my teenage boys communication skills, please remind me of the times when...

*  I was pulling my hair out because they were not eating, sleeping or pooping in a toilet.

*Remind me of the days when I got to snuggle on a couch, get oodles of kisses, and was smothered with choke hold hugs.

*Remind me when I did the happy dance because our pre school started to offer a "lunch bunch" (giving me another 60 minutes of quiet, alone time)

*when playdates consisted of a trip to the playground or a music class when we sat criss crossed applesauce singing songs about our names.

*when Moo Baa La La La and Goodnight Moon were part of the bedtime routine.

Because there will be a time; dear diary, when I will forget all this.

There will be a time when my snuggly chunky babies will have opinions about what they wear (which will only have logos, be dri fit and short sleeved) and eat (which will not have beautiful colors of the rainbow on a cookie monster plate).

There will be a time when arguments will be over wearing winter coats in 15 degree Boston weather vs buying the 100th lego set at Target.

There will be a time when I will beg them to tell me about their days (friends, feelings , ANYTHING) and how I would love  to curl up next to them in bed to read a book together.

My little babies will soon have acne, braces, body hair, deep voices  and smells that are not Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo.

They will ask me questions about science and math (which I will not know anything about)

Mr. Noodle and The Wiggles will be replaced by Madden and Fortnite.

Yes, Dear babies will grown into young men before my very eyes and although it's really nice to go food shopping by myself, I miss my little cloth seat holder that I put into the shopping cart to protect him from germs.

It's so much harder to protect them from things at this age.
There are no more little bubbles and safe havens of the preschool or each teacher knowing you by your first name.

Times they are a changin'.

Do not be sad though my teen parent friends. Let us remember this..

No more Disney on Ice glow in the dark thingamajigs that hold snowcones for $15! 
