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No Ghosts!

Todays headlines:

How should the NFL punish Robert Kraft?

Donald Trump Jr. for President? He Doesn't Want to 'Rule Out' Running for Office: 'I Definitely Enjoy the Fight'

Tired man throws bothersome dog in dumpster.

As I navigate being (almost ) 51 and the mother to teenage boys (who seem to be doing teenage years better than their mother) I am trying to adopt new philosophies.
Because news headlines can be darn right depressing.

Spin the negative into a positive.
Stop agonizing over things I cannot control.

Sounds so wonderful on paper and should be easy to endure.

Not so much.
Because I was born into a family of worriers- passed on from my Grandmother I am told (and can only imagine passed on from her Mother)

It's what we do.
And we are excellent at it.

And as I agonize over my bathroom remodel taking (way) longer than expected
and my weight loss not coming off instantly (in spite of my exercising way more than I ever have. Seriously. EVER)
and an 8 year old love of my life goldendoodle who has suddenly decided she will only "do her business" for DH
and an aging mother

I try to remain focused
glass half full

and be thankful about the latest headline that I read

Market Basket, as far as they know, all our stores are ghost free.

