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You do you

So a friend posted an article from a local paper regarding her daughter, who happens to be transgender.

It wasn't solely about her daughter but a few other children who came out as being a trans-child.
(Forgive me as I tread lightly on the correct terminology)

The point is a Mom replied to her son after he revealed that he was a boy
"Alright. I dont totally get it but you be you, and I'll be here"

Are you not crying?
(Ok. I realize not everyone cries as easily as I do. At least, I hope you are touched)

You do you.

This has nothing to do with being trans.

Be gay
Be straight
Be vegan
Breastfeed or don't
Work or stay at home
Get an MBA or following your passion right out of highschool.
Play ball or never pick up a ball

I dont give a crap.
And either should you.

I found this amazing meme the other day that said something to the gist of allow your kid to be quirky, smart, artsy, athletic yada yada yada
just don't let him be the mean kid.

As my friend quoted “just don’t be the asshole”

Youngest is not a star athlete.
(Nor does he have any interest in sports.)
He loves to act and can tell you almost anything you want to know about Broadway.
DH and I came home from dinner the other night and while we were gone he created an "escape room" for us to do.
I used to cringe when people asked what sport he was playing but now I proudly say he is into other things.
Oldest doesn't play sports (I blame on his crappy medical history) but the kid loves them all.
Sits and could watch red zone, espn, espn2, anything ending in an n that has sports in the middle, all day long.
and did I mention he seems happy?
Quiet- that kid is.
But happy.

I'm extremely proud of both of them and love them for who they are.

Not who I expected them to be 13 and 15 years ago.

Not who I want them to be 13 and 15 years from now.

They are who they were meant to be.

I wouldn't be human if I said there are things I wish were different about them
(because, you know, we all would love them to fold their own laundry and put it away Maria Kondo style)
(And it wouldn't hurt them to hug their Mom a bit more. Considering I gave them life and all)

(And if they would eat a few more veggies, enjoy the beach as much as I do, pick up a book for fun, and pick up the dog poop as well- that would be really amazing. )

But yes
Love them for who they are.

You do you

And I'll be here.
