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No judgement zone

I joined a gym.

(hold the applause)
(I've done it before)

I don't stick with anything.
Really. Not much.
(DH is lucky I havent kicked him to the curb)

I get tired of the paint color on my walls
art work that I once thought I loved
shower curtains and bathroom towels
cars that I own

and especially..

diets and a gym.
(I will, however, never tire of black leggings)

It's why I'm CONSTANTLY complaining that I need to lose weight.
I hop on a bandwagon, eager to commit, and if I dont get instantaneous results
I'm outta there.

I admit it.
I need help.
I'm a quitter.
(Or to be kinder- because my new word is compassion)
 I just like change.

I joined BURN BOOT CAMP and not to sound like a walking advertisement but I'm kind of loving it.
Okay, not really love because I will never be the person who puts love and exercise in the same sentence
but I'm enjoying it.
It is the push I think I've found that I needed.

And this is why


You hear it.
You want to believe it.
But this is truth.

All shapes, ages and sizes.
Different fitness levels all working for a goal.
To feel better about themselves (whether that is physically, mentally or spiritually. Or all three)

I do not exercise and never have.
I really thought I could get through life this way but apparently being 50, post menopausal and having cancer gave my body a different idea.

Losing weight is WAY harder these days.
(Again. Blame the cancer meds whenever possible)
but I reached a breaking point of really feeling shitty about myself.

So here I am.

Point of this post really wasn't supposed to be about Burn and yay me (but yay me!) but more about the non judgement thing.

I admit I'm judgey.

(Ask DH. I am constantly criticizing news reporters. )

And sorry, don't tell me you aren't.

We all judge at some point.
Maybe we are comparing our children
our spouses
the woman in the store's taste in fashion
the mother at drop off hair do
or the fact that Melania is married to a jack- a$%

We judge.

 I don't like everyone (and have become a bit bitchier in my older age)
But I do like to pride myself on always being kind.
And I reserve judgement for behind closed doors so that should count for something.

But when we are doing things to improve ourselves
improve our person
our lives

you cannot judge
you just can't.

I'm going to try to be more compassionate on myself.
It's my word of the year.
And I think I may just keep it permanently.
