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Dear Class of 2019

Dear Class of 2019

1) Remember where you come from.
Not literally like the birds and the bees where you come from. But your values.
 This doesn't mean you cannot change. After all, we kind of expect you to. But remember that little voice in your heart and your head. That voice is most likely your parents. The ones telling you to follow your gut; not the crowd. Stay true.

2) Call an uber. You are blessed to be living in a world of technology. Within seconds you can make the smart choice of not getting behind the wheel after you have spent a night out drinking with friends (or drinking your sorrows away over a broken heart which , you know, will happen) Call the uber. But remember to ask "what's my name?" before getting in. #whatsmyname

3) And call your Mom. Stop making fun of her that her knees creak. One day yours will too.

4) Raise your hand. Ask questions and keep asking questions.  (But don't to the point of annoyance)

5) A warm smile, sense of humor and a good heart is the way to a woman's (or man's)  heart. You do not need to be the best looking, most fit or top athlete.  Being "cool" is overrated.

6) Sometimes you will be at the top of your game.  Sometimes you may feel others are doing way better than you. That's just called life. But remember this: life on social media is never as good as it seems. Likes and followers on instagram does not make you. Or break you.

7) I promise you. You can (and do) move on after your first love breaks your heart.

8) Clean your ears. But don't stick the q-tip too far in there.
 Get a yearly skin check. If your body is giving you a sign something is wrong; trust your gut.

9) Be brave. I know it's hard to speak up if you disagree with something but remember that little parental voice inside of you ? One day that nagging voice will be your own. Your conscience. Speak up. Stand out.

10) Don't be in a rush to grow up. (Think back to your early years: Enjoy nap time. Color outside the lines.  Include others.)

11) Don't ever wear socks with sandals.

12) Always eat the frosting first.
