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Dear Mom of blankie girl

So there is this adorable little video going viral of little kids singing at a church concert.
One girl;  in particular,  is rocking out.
Beating to her own drum.

Which is clearly, all of awesomeness.

I assume it is going viral because she is stinking cute
as well as the obvious rocking out part
while everyone else is doing the "dutiful" motions and singing.

What I wonder if anyone else noticed the girl next to rocking out girl.

She is hiding her face with her blanket or stuffed animal.
Clearly not enjoying the concert as much as her neighbor.

I could not help but zoom in on her.
She is not one to enjoy the spotlight ( I assume.)
Maybe she is scared
or embarrassed
 or nervous.
maybe she is having an off morning
or maybe hates being on camera
or maybe she doesn't want to sing the song and do the motions.

Whatever the reason is, my heart was focused on her.

Because I'm thinking that her mom was focused on her
and maybe sad that rocking out girl is getting the glory while her daughter isn't participating.

 I am the mom to blankie girl and rocking out girl.

(you know, not literally speaking.)

But my boys personalities are  (were) (maybe still are) those two adorable kids.
Hiding boy
And "look at me "boy

Love the spotlight
Would rather not be in spotlight

I was the solo mom who stood on the gymnastics floor during the 3 year old party because my kid didn't want me to leave his side.

I was also the mom who had to sit on the sideline during mommy and me class because her other child wanted to do everything independently.

(Those of you who may personally know oldest and youngest will have no difficulty figuring out who was who but that's not the point)

Point is.
Each of us beat to our own drum.

But for a long while I compared my kids to other kids
(and i may or may not still be guilty of this but I'm really trying)
but I did.
And I hated that I had to be the solo mom on the gymnastic floor.
I wanted my kid to be the rocking out kid.

Until I had the rocking out kid and I was desperate for him to want his Mom by his side on the gymnastics floor.

My kids are now teens and I think they are both pretty awesome just exactly who they are.
And who they are meant to be.

So to the Mom of blankie girl
I hope you love that she was doing her own thing up there.

Remember all
You be you.

