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My pearls of wisdom for my boys

Try not to go to bed mad but if you do,  it gives you a fresh perspective the next morning.

Sometime in your future the hi light of your day will be going to Target by yourself.

When you say you're sorry, say it like you mean it. And then mean it.

Don't make fun of your mother needing her reading glasses. What goes around comes around.

Spend the extra money on a good set of sheets.

Put the toilet seat down. And change the roll while you're at it.

Your first love will break your heart.  One day you will realize she was NOT the one.

That said, you will never forget your first love and every time you hear YOUR song come on, you will be taken back in time instantaneously.

Crossword puzzles and playing scrabble are good exercises for your mind.

Wear SPF 50. Skin cancer is real.

Try not to be bored by your grandparents stories. There will be a time that you crave to hear their voice tell you one.

Always wash your towels in warm water.

Kindness beats cool.

Being popular is overrated.

It's okay to not be like everyone else. As a matter of fact; it's great.

No one has their shit together.

Be a good tipper but if you get crappy service; let someone know.

Be a good friend and expect the same in return.

You are not above anyone. Say hello respectfully to the CEO the same way you would the guy taking out your garbage.

Choose talking over texting.

Never text and drive.

Don't drink and drive.

Don't text while drinking.  It's never as funny the next day.

If you would be mortified if your mother saw it, it does not belong on a text, snap, insta or cyber world.

There is nothing you could do that would make me not love you anymore.
