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Things I ponder

I wonder at what point I will stop watching Law and Order SVU reruns?

When did "I'm good" replace "no thank you"

How have I never gotten sick from eating raw cookie dough?
How have I managed to even make cookies after all the raw cookie dough that I eat?

I really should be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune

How often should I be washing my bras?

I decided when I need a good laugh I hang out at the beach and watch people try to set up their tents and umbrellas.

I used to be such a people person. And then I realized I'm really more of a stay at home in my pj's person. #Thisis52

I think I'm going to try keto (while putting a handful of M and M's in my mouth)

When did the oldies station start playing 90's music?

I think I could really be friends with the Today show hosts. Dylan, Jenna and Siri  are totally my people

Will I ever sleep soundly again now that my kid will soon be driving?
(And then I laugh and realize I haven't slept soundly since becoming a mother)

Greta Thunberg is fighting climate change and my teens need to be reminded to not fart at the kitchen table.
