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Pink freakin tober

It's almost Pinktober.
A month I used to not hate ( but now I hate)
Because I don't need Pinktober to remind me about breast cancer.

I've been NED for almost 2 years (!!) but there's not a day (I know. Depressing... Not a day) that I don't think of cancer.

Don't worry- it's not like every day I'm sitting worrying about cancer during my Law and Order reruns.

It's just that every day; I'm reminded of it.
(Because I now have a body that's kind of hard to not scream YOU HAD CANCER)

In the past month I've heard of two new people being diagnosed with cancer.

This isn't surprising.
It's a freakin epidemic.

I'm not sure if it's my age.

One day we are all out celebrating new marriages and arrivals of babies
And the next we are discuss aching backs (knees, necks, feet)  mammograms (colonoscopies, prostate tests) and the need for reading glasses.

That's how it works with cancer.

One day you're bitching about your 10lbs and your jeans not fitting
And the next day you could care less about your 10lbs because you have fucking cancer.
Just like that.

I threw up after I got off the phone with my DR (the first time I was diagnosed)
The second time, I cried my eyes out and then took my kids out for pizza.
I'm hoping there's no third time.

So my dear pinktober friends
my roundabout no point post has a purpose
and it is this

wear the pink shirt if you must (please not with "save the ta ta's on it)
buy the cute hat

(If you want the shirt,  the one that says : my boobs are fake because my real ones almost killed me, that one  does make me somewhat chuckle)

wear the pink ribbon
walk the walks

whatever you must do to bring awareness to this crushing disease

but just remember that your t-shirt isn't saving lives...

DO self exams
GET your mammogram

Ta ta's are no joke
